Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 93 In Urdu Subtitles
Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 93 In Urdu Subtitles what could I give him I will dedicate Turgut to Mikhail Kosis For Marie Come black Mosul Basha Pick up your opponent’s sword Where is your ield? Do not let your opponent come close to the length of the spear Your order, sir O warriors The enemy has gone too far The original-Nicholas campaigned in the tribe of Mr. Targot And he did it all Many were martyred
at his hands Although the suffering of the martyrs
Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 93 In Urdu Subtitles has not abated yet When the fire falls on a Turkmen tribe My heart is burning before Today is Unity Day Gunduz Bay has now gone to pick up Turgut Bay If it happens and comes back empty handed We will break down those walls Nicholas trusts him over his head A Turk is never caught Now sharpen, it will cut you Your order, sir
Osman is still this He made me doubt the warriors
Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 93 In Urdu Subtitles That means on your brother To promote more vigorously, Marie It’s the best thing you can do bro Most important of all I have to take that Pope Gregory From Osman’s hands as soon as possible I can’t let the emperor wait any longer It is clear that Osman is keeping his feet His steps are strong and he is very determined Taking Gregory will never be easy
E.g. My lord Aya Nicola has the news He told us that
Turgut was in his hands He will send it to you tomorrow Of joy Target It is very important Osman, for Mary The reason is anyway He feels responsible for everything They say luck Always on the side of the strong That’s right E.g. Actually He will take Turgut and give it to Gregory Your wounds can’t wait More than that, Mr. Gregory
There is nothing more important than defending
it Including my soul But if it continues like this, They can detect my wounds Before too much time has passed He will always be with us, Mr. Gregory I am alive to save you And I hope my death is also for your protection We must hide it well, Mr. Gregory How exactly? We can’t leave him with us They can search us Come on, come on, come on Now take the end of the string, Bae Songur You stay here and see these And
I’m going to tell the lord the situation Let’s go
How many times have we met Time, Governor Rogatos? Your pockets will swell even more Every time we meet You can’t complain about this Salmo doesn’t complain Even if we can’t take Pope Gregory, Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 93 In Urdu Subtitles We were able to come out with a winner The Lord gives us another chance Hey Nicola He captured a Turkmen lord named Turgut Turgut is very important for Osman If we take That means your friend Pope Gregory
will already be in your hands Given that information
I got it from my clients at Nicholas Castle Kosis will go by himself Take Turgut tomorrow Consider Pope Gregory In your hands, O Governor Rogatos Be very careful He is a demon Islam is always vigilant in dealing with all demons I’ll bring you some turgut No doubt https://atvbanglastudio.blogspot.com Translated by ATV Bangla Studio.
Shahriar. I’m sorry for any mistakes in translation.
Produced by: – Md. Maruf. Nikola Turgut will give to Kosis Why brother? He likes Maria very much According to his thoughts, he will take revenge on Turgut for kidnapping Maria Nicholas the dog Why would he do such a thing? It is clear that he wants to win Maria’s heart Maria is unmarried, sir Nicola wants to marry him He dragged his brother
Kosis to his class You believe Then Mr. We have to
give a trap to take the target Nicholas getting ready for the trip, Mr. Osman I saw him entering the castle They were preparing a cage for Turgut Target will try as soon as possible We are in a place where it is over now Sharpen our swords For one tier from Turkey We burn the whole world My lord What if all this was part of a conspiracy?
Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 93 In Urdu Subtitles
behind What if it was a game to seduce you? But even if it becomes a trap We have to find a way to take Turgut As long as he is their prisoner We cannot keep other tribes behind us They should know that Mr. Osman does not leave anyone behind The will of the Creator Will you allow me? Come here We found out, sir We followed him, and he brought us to their