Watch Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 123 In Urdu
Watch Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 123 In Urdu I never sinned۔ We’ve seen a lot, too much! We saved and protected the poor۔ We are not afraid of death۔ I swear to God۔ You can’t kill me, Barbados۔ Chief Idon is in my arms۔ My men will come in a while
and they will bring it too۔ Doria, everything you do is bad۔ What will happen when that document is in my hand? How do you take it from me? You think, I wouldn’t have thought? If your men also escaped from the forest So we will exchange۔
You will take the Idan Raees and document me۔ Well, greed didn’t get dominant, son! Don’t worry, Darwish! As long as my brother has him, my soul is in control۔ What is the cause of this common man? We, especially those sitting on this table They should know how lucky we are۔ Watch Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 123 In Urdu
Watch Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 123 Trailer In Urdu
For my part, I am very honored to sit at this Watch Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 123 Trailer In Urdu table with you, sir۔ And know that۔ Luckily for us, under the same roof with Pope Clemens He told me: Don’t bow to anger against Muslims۔
And as long as I am patient, the Lord will reward us۔ Lord, of course The Muslims will reward after persecution۔ Because monks are always virgin۔ Watch Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 123 In Urdu They dedicate themselves to the church۔ And those people sometimes They turn away from wealth and all worldly pleasures۔ We can’t ignore you either You will be the first king۔ Then the kingdom will come after you۔
Our fathers live for Jesus’ sake۔ But don’t know how to be a father like them۔ I don’t like talking about these things۔ Talking about things that force me to explain my place I feel like the devil is taking my test۔ Like it is about sacrificing your life Stay away from lies and deception This, even if it’s just obvious۔ But he will definitely get a reward۔
Watch Kurulus Osman Season 4 Bolum 24 In Urdu
And Barbados is behind the evidence to Watch Kurulus Osman Season 4 Bolum 24 In Urdu prove it۔ He crowned me on my head I cannot sacrifice Watch Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 123 In Urdu the Holy Roman Empire for this۔ If we don’t kill the Pope, my crown will also be in question, Isabella! Is there a plan? How can Luna accept such a thing?! I saw how she saw Khairuddin۔ How can a person
raise so much love and hatred at the same time in his heart? He has no resentment with Barbados۔ But she finds herself forced, I said: Go and talk Watch Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 123 In Urdu but she didn’t listen to me۔ You said: They have laid the trap through Idan Raees۔ We can’t do anything۔ We have to get out of here, Marcella! If it opens the door, the other will not open۔ Luzato, please don’t do
that! Don’t worry, won’t kill۔ But Ms. Planet is my prisoner from now on۔ You will remain silent in return, from now on I will only obey me! Watch Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 123 In Urdu Don’t worry, I’m not dead, I’m taking the planet on a plane۔ I will take a place I only know۔
Kurulus Osman Season 4 Bolum 123 Release Date?
You will stay there and remain silent in return۔ Kurulus Osman Season 4 Bolum 123 Release Date? No one will tell anything۔ If you tell, the planet will die there۔ If I don’t listen, the planet will die there! I beg, don’t do that, please, Luzato! I think it’s a fair deal, Marcella! Do we agree, Marcella?! If you told Luna about it And tried to save the planet, so the planet
We got, Raees, a document that proves that the Pope has a son۔ This document will tell the Christian world that the Pope is just a paper pope۔ This Watch Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 123 In Urdu document will be in my hand soon, when Eidon comes۔ Qadali went after your man, if he brought Eidon۔ So all your work۔ Should protect your back۔ You will live۔ But far away۔ Never come back۔ Leave it there, where I said۔
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Don’t go without telling me again, Amy, right? When that happens, I get very upset۔ I’m afraid you won’t come back۔ You warmed me up again۔ Now, you will give me that document۔ And when I leave, I’ll leave Eidon۔ Leave the day first, then the document۔ Watch Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 123 In Urdu
Leave it! My account with you is not over yet۔ If you can calculate Pargali before me So my work is not over, don’t worry۔ I think we can work together۔ I want to talk to Luna I’ll meet the command Pasha, then come to me۔ The order, Pasha !
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The one who comes in doesn’t get out۔ Looking at this man ? Who has a pen in his hand The breeze is heading to ( Azadham)۔ Watch Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 123 In Urdu You look at the streets, I chase this infidel۔ Reyes ! Are you sure that’s what our wanted man is? I have never seen the one who entered for retreat before come out of such negligence۔ Now we believe, you are the gills,